When you work directly with a traffic safety product manufacturer, you can get customized signs that comply with federal regulations. All traffic control signs in America must meet the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Here are reasons for working with sign makers experienced with traffic control.
It’s best to work with a regional sign maker that understands local ordinances and how signs can be mounted. While every city and town must comply with federal and state laws, local jurisdictions may have special regulations, particularly about where signs can be placed.
One of the most common traffic control signs is for “No Parking.” Posting the local code at the bottom of the sign can serve as an effective deterrent that keeps a parking slot clear. The post may include a specific fine or penalty for parking in a restricted slot. You also have the option to include additional information such as “Permit Parking Only” and “Vehicles Without Permits Will Be Towed.” The more serious you make the warning, the more effective the sign will be.
Sign makers with experience in the region will more readily understand the types of traffic control devices needed for a certain area. Sometimes detour signs are needed to direct traffic away from a construction area or closed road. These alternative routes might have a different speed limit than what commuters are used to, so there may be a need to make special signage.
Working with a sign maker gives you choices for sign materials, based on your budget and local climate. The more your area is subjected to intense cold weather, the more robust you’ll need the materials to be. Steel and aluminum are very strong and durable materials that work well for outdoor signs. While metal signs often last over a decade, plastic signs tend to have a shorter lifespan.
You should also be aware of the level of reflectivity needed for a specific sign. High intensity reflectivity that allows for 1,000 feet of motorist visibility is needed to meet MUTCD requirements. A traffic safety product manufacturer must ensure that the reflectivity allows for greater visibility at night.
One of the most effective ways to calm traffic is to use electronic signs with radar technology that monitors and displays vehicle speeds. TraffiCalm is a traffic safety product manufacturer based in Idaho that makes equipment for several different states and other countries. The company has developed effective hardware devices and software that display electronic messages to drivers.
These signs are very effective at catching the attention of drivers, especially when displaying their speed. These signs help alert drivers to slow down or make other adjustments due to road conditions. These devices can also be used as tools for testing traffic calming strategies. Solar-powered versions with battery storage can help cut costs tremendously. These modern traffic control devices also integrate with IoT technology to gather data that can be used to analyze traffic patterns and rethink traffic control strategies.
When dealing with traffic control signage, it’s best to work with a traffic safety product manufacturer that knows your region. It’s also important to know sign makers that partner with more advanced technology firms such as TraffiCalm. Contact Zumar at our Arizona, California, or Washington location to learn more about appropriate signage or other traffic control products needed for your project.