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The World of Traffic Safety Products

June 24, 2020

A wide range of traffic safety products exists for communities to use for promoting safer streets. Traditional elements, such as signs and barriers, can be used in conjunction with modern technology for the best results. Here are ideas for community leaders to consider to promote neighborhood safety.

Signs Lead the Way

The most obvious form of traffic control is the road sign. While there’s a certain amount of leeway in design for warning signs, you must abide by requirements set by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), published by the Federal Highway Administration. Regulatory signs, such as those that post the speed limit, must meet stricter standards than cautionary signs that alert drivers of potential dangers.

If you post appropriate road signs properly and strategically, it can reduce accidents and the need for traffic monitoring. When problems persist, such as head-on collisions on one way streets, it’s time to consider more sophisticated traffic monitoring solutions, such as electronic driver feedback signs.

TraffiCalm has developed innovative electronic signs that connect with the internet for 24/7 monitoring. Some of these devices are solar-powered, adding to further savings on energy. Displaying the speeds of approaching drivers with a speed limit sign has been extremely successful for local officials trying to keep busy traffic under control.

The traffic safety products that speak the loudest to motorists are the ones that remind drivers of fines for violating specific laws. When drivers are reminded, for example, they will have to pay hundreds in fines for speeding, they tend to back off. It’s helpful to post fine warnings at road construction sites as well.

Placing multiple signs on a road with the same message is useful, but too many of the same signs loses effect. It’s important to use signs as precise communication tools with meaningful purposes. Overuse of signage may lead drivers to lose track of the messages.

Bright Colors and Bright Lights

Many of the most useful traffic safety products have bright colors to stand out day or night. Yellow and orange are the two most widely used colors for warning signs, while orange is also used for pylons and other barriers. Drivers instantly recognize these bright colors as alerts, especially near accident scenes.

Another commonly used group of traffic safety products is bright lights in the form of LEDs. Not only do these modern lights shine much brighter than traditional lights, they use less energy and last much longer. Due to economic efficiency, LEDs have become widespread in America this century.

Adding flashing lights to an intersection, curve or hazardous area creates more immediate awareness among drivers to proceed with caution. TraffiCalm’s beacons can be adjusted remotely, in terms of scheduling and flashing patterns. The company’s Push 2 Cross system is effectively used at crosswalks near schools and hospitals. These electronic systems can be further used to collect traffic data, to help local officials plan routing, and other strategies.


The best way to make neighborhoods safer is posting effective signs and devices that communicate directly with drivers. Contact Zumar at our Arizona, California or Washington location to learn more about traffic safety products.

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