Watching out for child safety is part of being a responsible adult. Places where children are present include schools, churches, stopping centers, apartment complexes, HOAs, and parks. When several young kids populate an area it’s a good idea to post a “Children at Play” sign to remind drivers to be aware of such activity.
Many motorists naturally drive more slowly and carefully when they see a sign posted about children. These signs tend to be typical caution signs with a yellow background and black lettering displaying the word “Slow” above the image of a young person running. While drivers should be cognizant of potential child activity in any residential area, the sign creates instant top of mind awareness. At the same time, parents should not assume these signs automatically make roads safe for kids to play in the street.
“Children at Play” signs should be posted wherever there’s a danger of vehicles coming in contact with children. If a street does not have an existing sidewalk that directs students where to walk and it’s near a school where children play, the school should strongly consider posting such a sign warnings about children or pedestrians. Unless the street provides special protection, such as well-graded clear shoulders or dividers, it’s wise to make motorists aware of areas where children regularly meet with each other.
Posting a speed limit sign above or below the “Children at Play” sign is an effective way to remind drivers what the top speed should be. Installing speed bumps is another effective measure for slowing down traffic in a residential neighborhood. Placing a speed limit sign every minute of travel is a good strategy for managing traffic speeds.
Another sign to consider posting near a school is a bicycle lane sign, since it’s common for young students to ride their bikes to school. These signs should be visible for drivers, such as on the right side of the road or on the road itself. Placing signs in several locations on the main streets surrounding the school is essential for conveying that children regularly populate the area.
Posting pedestrian warning signs near crosswalks in parking lots helps parents and other school visitors become familiar with the landscape and the culture. Parking lots near playgrounds and baseball fields should post reminders about child activity so that people in the neighborhood are conditioned to regularly drive more slowly. At the same time, it’s best not to post too many yellow caution signs so that you preserve their eye-catching effects.
Protecting the lives of children should be a top priority in residential neighborhoods near schools. A variety of caution signs such as “Children at Play” can be helpful in reducing accidents and making schools more safe. For more information on any traffic or business signs, contact Zumar at our Arizona, California or Washington location.