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Driver Tips for Better Safety and Navigation

June 19, 2019

Nobody likes to be told how to drive. Yet many adults still have to retake a driving test after they’ve failed to pass an eye exam or a test after their license has expired. A 2013 survey by of 500 drivers revealed 44 percent of participants failed to pass. Here are important driving tips to remember so that you don’t have to worry about your next written driver exam.

1. Make Safety a Priority

Suppose you decide to get a side job delivering pizzas, utilizing cash tips to help pay bills. In order to keep the job you’ve got to get pizzas to homes and businesses on time. Arriving late could mean sacrificing nice tips. But it’s important to never let money take a higher priority than safety since money can always be replaced. Even if you already consider yourself to be a very safe driver, you still have to watch out for unexpected reckless drivers who might cause accidents.

2. Use Navigation Tools

If you don’t know the streets of your own home town you should bring along a map or use GPS if it’s in your car or on your smartphone. Whenever you visit a new location even in your own region it’s a good idea to study a map first and learn the major cross streets in the area. This knowledge will give you more confidence in getting from point A to point B safely. Sometimes accidents are caused by drivers who are paying too close attention to addresses rather than the road ahead of them. The more you know exactly where your destination is and how to get there before getting into your car, the safer your trip will be.

3. Pay Attention to All Traffic Signs

Traffic signs are very powerful because they communicate directly with drivers. Whether it’s highway mileage signs, speed limits, or cautionary signs, you can learn quite a bit about your surroundings from road signs, even if you have no idea where you are. These signs will tell you where you need to go, how fast you should drive, and any warnings that might affect your safety. Once you get off the freeway you still need to pay close attention to signs, especially regulatory signs.

Remember that not only are traffic laws different in each state; they can also vary from town to town. Small towns particularly may have stricter traffic laws than you may be accuostomed to. Be aware that some cities like Sacramento have intersections all over town that are “photo enforced.” That means you can get a ticket in the mail if a camera catches your license plate while you’re violating a traffic law.

4. Know the Traffic Laws in Your State

Since each state sets its own traffic laws, it helps to study other state laws when you decide to go on a cross-country tour of America. Mostly important, you should be well aware of your own state’s traffic laws, which will help prevent you from getting tickets. Much of the regulatory information you need to know is shown on regulatory signs, such as speed limits and stop signs. Never assume that ignorance of traffic laws will work as an excuse.


The above tips can help you drive more safely and keep you from getting lost. Contact Zumar at our Arizona, California or Washington location to learn more about how signs play a role in driver safety.

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